Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Laughter and REALLY Good days

hello peoples! so i know its been awhile since i last wrote, but when you hear the last few weeks i've had, you'll understand. last week, was uneventful and even getting to a really bad low(thursday), but which was consequently followed by a general lifting up mood(friday). Friday, my dear friend, awesome classmate, and wonder-fullest roomie, miss maureen*Moe* hanley surprised me for the weekend!!!! well folks, the hyperactivity that ensued has not been seen since last spring and has yet to meet its match.;-)
here i was, really tired but already having a great day due to my amazing women's group and alot of 'captivating' discussion, which was followed by work in student life(which is enjoyable, if nothing else;-)) and my night had just been topped off by an enlightening discussion of Deus Caritas Est (GREAT encycylical, everyone should read it) at the Fedorykas. So here i was asking myself in the words of Brian Regan,"Can life get any better? i submit that it cannot!" when, simultaneously, chris wadle calls my phone and moe walks in. *aaagghh!* so my joy of the day, my surprise at moe walking in and chris calling me, all collide into one fast-rising mount of hysterical frenzy and confusion!!!! while i was shortly relieved of the confusion part, the hysterical frenzy and joy continued for the next 48 hours! in short, God is stupefying in His goodness to us and i LOVE it!!! So after a wonderful weekend i said goodbye to maureen and said hello to schoolwork(which, needless to say, was neglected upon her arrival *totally worth it*). VanSlyke's class was the highlight of my monday with such quotes as "those poor shmucks who are damned"(in reference to what the gnostics thought) and the like. whatever else his class is not boring in the least. even when he doesn't say anything particularly intelligent, his delivery is priceless. and i even managed to get ALL the crapload of reading he assigned us finished in time for class! gold star for me! next on my list of fear: my presentation on De Anima for Muller's class next tuesday. i think this would be an instance of me hating philosophy. ce la vie.
last night. last night was one of those nights that just makes you happy. meghan, nattie, a few other girls, and i decided to forego all schoolwork and proceeded to NOT watch the state of the union address as we watched a movie, sewed, and i decided to begin to finish Tree's birthday present( 5 months late is ok, right?). anywho, it was awesomely relaxing and just a great night. gotta love it! Can't wait until this weekend! it promises much. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, no doubt about it- when we slack off, we slack of right!
