Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Good Friend Is A Treasure

"A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter, he who finds one finds a treasure." - Sirach 6:14

I often take comfort in certain Bible verses, and a few find their way back into my mind over and over again. The one that I have mentioned above is one of those repeating sounds in my head. It is also a favorite verse for me and my long-time friend, M.

However, this verse actually applies to all my friends. It popped into my head after a wonderful surprise chat this morning with my dear friend, Louise, from the best ever blog: Coffee and A Cardigan. If you have not visited it yet, hop on over there now and explore the funky fashion of an amazing woman!

Dear readers......you must forgive, and simultaneously realize, that I digress a lot throughout my posts. Which, if I remember, I'll try to remedy and ask forgiveness. =)

The point of this whole post was just to share with you how wonderful and true that Bible verse is! Lou and I have been on opposite sides of the continent for the past (forever!) years, and are therefore hardly ever able to chat due to time zones, and yet this morning we chatted over Gchat for just a few moments and it was as if all the years just dissolved into air and we were back together again at college, talking face to face over tea. *blissful sigh*

People often ask me why or how I spend so much time on FB(can't wait for Lent to be over!) and I always answer simply, "Because I can connect with most, if not all, of my friends." They look on it as a chore, and it is a bit of work, but would not you work to upkeep a shelter to keep it sturdy? To keep jewels polished so that you may wear them proudly? to work well for good wages?

I'm not trying to say I'm so great. I'm just saying I don't look on it as taxing to my strength. Rather the opposite! I get such an energy from people being happy around me that I yearn for time and conversation with friends. And let's be honest......I have the best friends. Sorry all you who are not me or do not know my friends. They are the most amazing and unique bunch of people. I am so blessed. Thank you all for your friendship!

It is also sunny today, which ALWAYS adds to my enjoyment of life. I never used to like Spring all that much, but in later years it has opened up to me quite a few different aspects that I find charming, that I never realized before, or maybe just took for granted. I love the bright, crisp sunshine, not quite as hot as summer, or brisk as fall, or glaring as winter......just bright and happy and new. And, while I may bemoan it most days, I do find the changeable wind that can go from soft breeze to tyrant storm in a few short hours to be quite fascinating. And throughout all of that, everything NEW. New flowers, baby animals, leaves, plants.....everything seems to get a new outfit or rebirth in Spring.

And so dear readers, I will leave you for today. For the sun is beginning it's descent and I still want to go enjoy a bit of it! Thank you for reading (and especially for commenting!)!!!

Friday, April 08, 2011

The Sunny Side of Life

Hi dear ones! (I may not even know all of you who read this, but dear you are for reading!)

It is a very GREY day here, with dreary rain this morning, and listless nothing this afternoon. However, since I promised that this post would be lighter and happier than my previous post, and I am in a foul disposition, I shall have to defer to others' comedy to brighten your day. Below are some of my very favorite YouTube videos, which I cannot, and will not, ever get sick of watching. =) I hope they brighten your day as much as they always brighten mine!

On Bad Days 

On Sibling Rivalry

On The Battle Of The Sexes and Why Men Just Don't Understand.....Or Do They?

On How To Communicate To Men When They Won't Listen

In closing (I already feel much better!) I will say......TGIF!!!! Tomorrow is another day, with no mistakes in it. <3

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Requiescat in Pace

Today, dear readers, is a more solemn post. My great aunt, Helen, on my mother's side, died last week. She was on the Greek side of my family and I barely knew her, but I ask your prayers for her soul and for my mom's family, especially my grandfather. Thank you, and I will write a later post on a much more happy or "natural blue" note later on.

One thing I love about the Greek language is how they express things. My great aunt Helen was honored in her church's Sunday bulletin and above her they wrote the words "May her memory be eternal", which somehow has a different meaning to me than "May she rest in peace". Am I alone in this? The Greek seems much more personal and a reminder to us still here on earth that we are to glean the good from others and live by that goodness. I'm not saying this the way it's sounding in my head, but when I hear "May her memory be eternal", I feel like it is a request for us here on earth to make her proud through our lives well lived, and so on for generations. Does that make sense?

At any rate......may she rest with God for eternity and may her life be an example to all who knew her. Thank you for your prayers!

~ Dorie